Verhalten am Telefon, Sachverständnis Top, wir hatten das Gefühl ständig zu wissen was passiert
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MySQL is used for web applications and uses two different types of databases: MyISAM (.myd (MYData) or .frm und .myi (MyIndex)) and InnoDB.
The Attingo technicians are specialized in reconstructing databases. For a successful recovery from MySQL, MariaDb and InnoDB databases know-how on the different versions is key, because the logical build-up varies from version to version. If data was deleted by accident or after a hacker attack, we can restore it thanks to our special in-house methods, even if the data is very large and/or fragmented. We also have special methods for reconstructing data from Linux filesystem ext2, ext3 und ext4.
We are prepared for your case! We work all around the clock on emergency cases!
Contact us - order your diagnosis today.
Databases like MySQL, MariaDB and InnoDB are saved on storages. This can be a single hard drive, a RAID group or the image of a virtual server. Every kind of data loss from storages also affect the databases saved on it. Further information about data loss from RAID and virtualized servers.
Errors in the file system may induce data loss from MySQL, MariaDB and InnoDB databases. A sudden operating system crash or a blackout result in transactions not being written correctly and provoking data loss. A common symptom is the 0-byte-problem: the database only has a file size of 0 bytes. To prevent the damage from getting worse it is very important to shut the server down immediately and not apply power anymore.
Even if data sets or the whole database were deleted, data rescue is possible. Also shut the server down immediately in this case.
Verhalten am Telefon, Sachverständnis Top, wir hatten das Gefühl ständig zu wissen was passiert
... Trotzdem konnte die Arbeit rasch erledigt werden